Well, we've discussed goals and benefits of bare-metal development, have gathered all the information we need to work on a specific SoC, and are ready to start writing code. In this post, we will practice. We will go thru the whole process of bare-metal coding, compiling, linking and, finally, will get a real stand-alone application for a real specific ARM64/ARMv8-A SoC. Can you imagine — it will be less than 1kB in size (including all necessary headers)! But this tiny application as a result, will perform the minimal task — output strings via UART. And even more — it will read from UART and output those bytes! Also we will add some functionality to our application, do some interesting stuff and perform some experiments.
The plan
The plan we need to carry out to reach the final result looks like:
1. Organise our code — .s and .c files.
2. CPU start code — assembly code.
3. Initialise the stack pointer — assembly code.
4. Initialise PLLs, clocks, pads, UART hardware-block — C code.
5. Write some payload code — write to and read from UART.
6. Compile and link our code into binary file.
7. Make our binary acceptable by our SoC as boot-code.
8. Put our boot-block in a proper place.
9. Configure the board for booting from media we need.
10. Power on and play!
Hands-on code
Let's get it started.
1. This is bare-metal, we don't have bootloader and kernel behind us. Thus, there are some routines we have to do in assembly language prior any C-code. So, we will have assembly files. Actually two. They can be combined into a single .s-file, but we will stick to traditions. These files are (common names on 64-bit platforms) — start_64.s and crt0_64.s. But what exactly should be done in assembly files (language) on bare-metal? The answer is — the things we can't do in C. We can access registers of hardware-blocks via volatile pointers as this is done via so-called memory-mapped input/output. But we can't access ALU registers in C directly, thus start_64.s file contains the very first code that cannot be done in C. Specifically CPU start-up code — applying erratas, switching modes, exception levels, setting interrupt vector tables, etc. Now let's go on with crt0. You probably are familiar with it (or, at least, heard of it) — so called «C-runtime zero». In user-space, usually, this is some object file, which is implicitly added to our code by linker prior to file containing main() function written in any high-level language. In user-space crt0 prepares argv and argc which are passed to developer's main() function, makes pointers to environment variables code starts with, etc. As you can assume, this file is unnecessary if we are about to write in assembly language only. Its content is to prepare the environment (be it a user-space program or bare-metal code) for C-code, in our case — set stack pointer to some valid address. After all necessary assembly code routines are done, we can break out to C-code. Today everything we've discussed in previous post will be done in C-code. Assembly language files are for startup code and stay as the window to ARMv8 architecture, our sandbox — one of our goals.
2. CPU start code. In this example we don't need to do anything here, but let's save some values for further research — (believe me) it'll be interesting to explore. According to ABI, x0 will be the first parameter of called function, x1 — the second, x2 — the third. Let's save initial program counter, stack pointer and exception level while they are intact — at the very beginning of our code. We will save initial PC, SP and EL by storing them in x0, x1 and x2 registers. Later you will see how they will get into our main C-function and will be output to UART. So, start_64.s will look like:
.arch armv8-a
.globl _start
# Store the address of the very first instruction. This will be the
# address BROM puts our code to. According to ABI x0 will be the
# first parameter of called function. Save current PC to x0:
adr x0, .
# Store initial stack pointer address as the second parameter:
mov x1, sp
# Save Current EL to x2, and it will get to third parameter:
mrs x2, CurrentEL
# Branch to crt0's main:
b _main
3. In our case, there is the only thing we have to do in crt0 to get prepared for C-code — set stack pointer. Stack pointer is set by just writing memory address value to SP register. We want our x0, x1 and x2 registers to pass thru this file to C-function, so we avoid using these registers here. So, crt0_64.s will look like:
.arch armv8-a
.globl _main
# Set stack pointer at the top of OCRAM 97FFFFh (p.706):
# Move it to x3 without last Fh (aligned to 16):
mov x3, 0xFFF0
movk x3, 0x0097, LSL #16
# Set stack pointer:
mov sp, x3
# Finally, break out to C-code:
b barium_main
4. After that, we have to initialise PLLs, clocks, pads and UART controller. I suppose the way we should do this on our SoC is explained well enough in previous post, so I will not spend time on describing it further here. You will see it in the code.
5. Payload code. Same as p.4 — since we have initialised all the hardware and have some high-level functions, the code becomes self-explanatory. The only thing I want to explain is the uart_chars_counter and UART_FIFO_MAX. On each output we increment special counter and when it reaches maximum length of FIFO we wait for real transfer to finish by waiting for TXDC bit in UART Status register.
6. Compile and link. Compilation and even cross-compilation is not something new — we compile separate source files, link them in a single ELF-file then dump pure code of it into binary file. You'll see a linker script in this repository. Actually, you can build the project without it. I've used it just to remove some unneeded section that GCC adds to binary. But we should bear in mind that this is bare-metal. That means that machine starts from the very first instruction it finds in our code. Actually, BootROM branches to the address it loads our application to. Thus, we have to put our start function in the very first place. This is done by respecting the order of object files when linking to resulting code. Thereby, we set the file containing our first code in a first place and the function we want SoC to start as the first function in that file.
7. To make binary acceptable by a SoC is very important step, but I'll not bother you with all that details. I've made host tool named mkbb_imx8. It is derived from NXP's mkimage_imx8. It gathers some information, fills necessary structures and writes them to proprietary header adding it to specified binary. The only interesting thing here is the address to load image to. This filed tells BootROM where to put loaded application (and jump to). In my tool it is defined as DEFAULT_LOAD_ADDR in source code or can be passed as third, optional parameter. Command line parameter takes priority over define. If you ever need to develop such tool for particular SoC, you can follow the same way as I have made. No tricks here, all you need — just to find the structure of proprietary header for specific SoC. Usually this information can be found in vendor's BSP build system — host tool, often named mkimage_XXX. You will see mkbb_imx8 code in separate repository (
8. The result of mkbb_imx8 is a binary file which will be accepted by iMX8MP BootROM. The last thing we have to do on our host machine is to put our boot-block in a proper place. iMX8MP expects it to be on media with offset 32kB. Thus, we will write our application to SD-card with this command:
dd if=./barium of=/dev/sdX bs=1k seek=32 ; sync
I said it'll be less than 1kB in size. The code (with its data) is 949 bytes, and it appeared to be 1013 bytes with iMX headers. Maybe we've made one of the most beautiful kilobytes all over the world.
9. If you are reading this, perhaps, you have some board (proprietary or kit) with iMX8MP SoC. If so, you may already have it configured to boot from SD-card or already know how to do it. If not, you need to configure the board for booting from SD-card. From iMX8MP SoC perspective boot device selection is described in section 6.1.5 — «Boot devices (internal boot)» (p. 713). Refer to your product manual to see how it is done on a particular board.
10. Insert SD-card into your board, connect your UART converter to UART2 interface of the board, start your favorite serial communication program and power on (or reset) the board. You'll see:
Barium No-Boot (iMX8MP)
Build: 18:00:00, Feb 12 2025
Initial PC: 0000000000920000
BootROM SP: 0000000000916ED0
Current EL: 0000000000000003
What's about naming? «Barium» stands for «Bare», because barium, besides consonance with «bare», is a metal element. Thus bare-metal is replaced with «Barium». «No-Boot» means it does not boot any kernel or anything at all.
Well, what we see here. First, initial PC is 920000h. This is our DEFAULT_LOAD_ADDR (in my Makefile address is passed via command line argument). You can play with it, set it here and there according to OCRAM memory map (p. 707). Datasheet claims that OCRAM free area starts from 918000h, but the lowest address I could put application to is — 920000h. BootROM does not allow to put it to 918000h.
But what is more interesting — stack pointer BootROM leaves for us. It does not allow to place our application in its reserved area, but leaves SP at 916ED0h. This can be used — we can leave SP intact and have stack from 916ED0h to 900000h which is pretty enough space and is actually restricted for our code by BootROM — unusable anyway.
And we see that we run in third exception level, EL3 — the highest one. We have carte blanche to do whatever we want on this machine.
What conclusion can be drawn from this? First Platform Loader (BootROM) of iMX8MP leaves SoC in condition where we can omit any initialization which is usually done in assembly language — as we mentioned earlier, stack pointer is already set to some valid address. While setting stack pointer is the only crucial thing we have to do in assembly code for such simple example, we can skip this step by excluding all .s-files. Nothing else should be changed, just don't forget to set main .c-file (in our case — barium.c) as the first one in your objects list. And main function (in our case — barium_main()) should be the first function in this file. Keep in mind — this is bare-metal, and the first function in your code is the entry-point regardless what ENTRY() linker directive points to. (You won't even see it in my .lds-file). Despite our goal was exact opposite, the whole bare-metal project can work without a single .s-file on iMX8MP! You can try it. Thus, we can call iMX8MP very high level SoC, or some kind of a «C-SoC».
You can clone the final repository from
That's all. Finally we have a good window to learn ARMv8 aka ARM64 aka Aarch64 on a real hardware — we have assembly files and C-files to play with, we have build system for this project — Makefile, linker script, we have host tool to make proper boot image, and we have some kind of a debug interface — UART. That looks like sufficient setup for further studying.